Sunday, 13 November 2011

Busyness or fruitfulness?

Well I am sticking my head out of 'study hibernation'. Just finished a post grad in Theology and just finished marking all my own students work for this semester! It's so weird living with such momentum, pace and intensity for long and then stopping! My adrenaline pumping, caffeine driven merry-go-round has slowed and my 'computer neck' is reminding me of the ride!!

I must admit, I have found stillness a bit of a challenge! I justify busyness as a sign of commitment - both at home, in the work place and in the church, busyness has been wrongly equated with commitment. But commitment to whom? Commitment to what? Good questions! I remember wondering when I began to find my value in a full schedule - which then moved me to ask what motivates my 'YES' to task and to people?

Perhaps the greater wrong is equating busyness with fruitfulness. I have noticed that I can sometimes be super efficient but not necessarily effective! I could do the catch-up with all the friends I have neglected and avoided during my 'study bubble' in a week! That would be incredibly efficient but incredibly ineffective. 'Two minute noodle' friends can't be compared to 'fine aged wine' friends!! The relationships in my world require time, listening and love - and so they require something more from me - something more than fast and furious!

And so I am relearning to 'be'. Tomorrow I will think and meditated as I lie sweating in a detox towel! The next day I will grocery shop and finish the garage clean up - because I can. This week I will make some decisions regarding my book - because I must. Next week I will retype and put the final touches to a talk I will give - because I want to. And today - well today I will walk around the lake before the sun has fully set and remind myself that although no one will see or know most of what lies behind what I do and who I am - it always presents better when I have given time to 'be'.

"Less Busy, More Fruitful" is my new mantra. I have a sneaking suspicion that it will not just simplify my life - it could just save it!!

Have an inspired week ('be' a little!)
